Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Republican plan for health reform

Representative Steve King (R-IA) has introduced the Republican plan for health reform. Under this Republican plan:

  • You will be denied the right to keep your children on your health plan until age 25.
  • Your insurer will be allowed to impose lifetime limits on your health insurance benefits.
  • Your insurer will be allowed to rescind your coverage if you get sick.
  • If you are on Medicare, you will no longer have the right to a free annual wellness visit with your doctor.
  • Your insurance company will no longer be required to spend 80% to 85% of the premiums you pay on actual medical care.
  • Your insurance company will no longer be required to justify rate increases.
  • Your insurance company will be allowed to deny you coverage if you have a preexisting condition.
  • If you have a preexisting condition, you will not have access to health insurance through a high risk pool.
  • Your insurance company will be allowed to set annual limits on your benefits.

This is the Republican plan for your health care, repeal health reform and take away all of these benefits that you have just won with the signing of health reform. Don't let that happen.

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