According to a CBS News poll just released, 71% of Americans ( including 51% of Republicans) disapprove of the way Republicans have been handling the debt crisis. 58% disapprove of the approach Democrats have taken. Obama gets the best rating—43% approve and 48% disapprove of his handling of crisis.
When asked if they thought Republicans and Democrats would reach an agreement on the debt ceiling before August 2, 66% said they probably would but nearly one third (31%) said they doubted that an agreement would be reached and the debt ceiling raised.
Finally, Republicans and Democrats were sharply split over whether the Obama administration was accurately describing what could happen if the debt ceiling is not raised. 59% of Democrats said the descriptions were accurate while 51% of Republicans said the administration was making things sound worse than they would be. Independents were about evenly divided with 40% saying the administration was making things sound worse while 35% said the descriptions were accurate.
Read the complete poll results here:
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